Divinity Wiki

Hydrosophists are the primary healers of the group, but much of that can be done out of combat, saving the majority of AP spent in combat to apply DOS Status Effect FrozenFrozen-20% Water Resistance
+40% Fire Resistance
+65 Armour
Cannot Move or Act

Removed by:
DOS Skill Purifying Fire Purifying Fire
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning
and DOS Status Effect SlowedSlowed-64 Movement
-4 Starting AP
-4 Maximum AP
-4 Recovery AP

Removed by:
DOS Status Effect HastedHasted
to shut enemies down. Can also freeze areas of blood or water to cause enemies to slip and fall down, and if they aren't on the area, they will still have to use their action points to run around it. Rain sets up nicely for Aerothurge spells, either combining with Chilled to apply frozen, or just for wet giving +30% chance to stun.

Original Sin[]

Skill Lvl Rq Skill Lvl AP Min Int Abil Lvl Req. Description
Cleansing Water 10 11 6 11 3

Cures DOS Status Effect BlindBlindCannot target non-adjacent units

Removed by:
DOS Skill Cleansing Water Cleansing Water
DOS Skill Doctor Doctor
DOS Skill Self Medicate Self Medicate
, DOS Status Effect MutedMutedCannot use Spells or Scrolls

Removed by:
DOS Skill Cleansing Water Cleansing Water
DOS Skill Doctor Doctor
, DOS Status Effect DiseasedDiseased-3 Constitution
-2 Body Building

Removed by:
DOS Skill Cleansing Water Cleansing Water
DOS Skill First Aid First Aid
, DOS Status Effect Infectious DiseaseInfectious Disease-3 Constitution
-2 Body Building
Can infect nearby creatures

Removed by:
DOS Skill Cleansing Water Cleansing Water
DOS Skill Doctor Doctor
, DOS Status Effect BleedingBleedingDamage Over Time

Removed by:
DOS Skill Cleansing Water Cleansing Water
DOS Skill First Aid First Aid
DOS Skill Self Medicate Self Medicate
, DOS Status Effect CrippledCrippled-4 AP Recovery
-6 Movement

Removed by:
DOS Skill Cleansing Water Cleansing Water
DOS Skill First Aid First Aid
DOS Skill Self Medicate Self Medicate

Freezing Touch 7 7 3 9 2

DOS Status Effect FrozenFreeze-20% Water Resistance
+40% Fire Resistance
+65 Armour
Cannot Move or Act

Removed by:
DOS Skill Purifying Fire Purifying Fire
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning
a nearby target.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect FrozenFrozen-20% Water Resistance
+40% Fire Resistance
+65 Armour
Cannot Move or Act

Removed by:
DOS Skill Purifying Fire Purifying Fire
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning

Hail Attack 18 19 9 13 5

Shards of ice will come down from the sky. Creates ice surfaces and freezes water and blood. Deals X-Y damage.
80% base chance to set DOS Status Effect FrozenFrozen-20% Water Resistance
+40% Fire Resistance
+65 Armour
Cannot Move or Act

Removed by:
DOS Skill Purifying Fire Purifying Fire
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning

Ice Shard 4 4 6 8 1

Shoot a chilling shard of ice that deals X-Y water damage.
50% base chance to set DOS Status Effect ChilledChilled-44 Movement
-10% Water Resistance
+10% Fire Resistance
Chilled + Wet = Frozen

Removed by:
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning
DOS Status Effect WarmWarm

Ice Wall 10 10 8 10 3

Create an ice wall to block off enemies and projectiles, or to lock enemies within the wall.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect FrozenFrozen-20% Water Resistance
+40% Fire Resistance
+65 Armour
Cannot Move or Act

Removed by:
DOS Skill Purifying Fire Purifying Fire
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning

Immune to Burning 4 6 4 9 2

Make a target File:DOS Buff Immune to Burning.png Immune to BurningImmune to DOS Status Effect BurningBurning
+25% Water Resistance
-25% Fire Resistance

Skill: DOS Skill Immune to Burning Immune to Burning

Mass Disease 13 13 7 11 4

Disease all enemies within an area.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect DiseasedDiseased-3 Constitution
-2 Body Building

Removed by:
DOS Skill Cleansing Water Cleansing Water
DOS Skill First Aid First Aid

Mass Slow 16 16 8 12 4

Slow enemies around you.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect SlowedSlowed-64 Movement
-4 Starting AP
-4 Maximum AP
-4 Recovery AP

Removed by:
DOS Status Effect HastedHasted

Minor Heal 1 1 4 7 1

Heal X vitality on a target over 3 turns.
Sets DOS Status Effect HealingHealingRestores Hit Points Each Turn

Removed by:
DOS Skill Purifying Fire Purifying Fire

Piercing Ice Shard 7 9 6 10 3

Shoot a freezing shard of ice that deals X-Y water damage.
100% chance to pierce up to 2 times.
70% base chance to set DOS Status Effect ChilledChilled-44 Movement
-10% Water Resistance
+10% Fire Resistance
Chilled + Wet = Frozen

Removed by:
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning
DOS Status Effect WarmWarm

Rain 1 3 4 8 1

Creates water puddles on terrain, douses fires, and makes characters wet. Water surfaces can be electrified.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect WetWet+30% Chance to be Stunned
-20% Air Resistance
+10% Fire Resistance
Wet + Chilled = Frozen

Restoration 16 14 4 12 4

Immediately heal X vitality on a target.

Slow Current 1 2 4 ? 1

Slow a target.
100% base chance to set |DOS Status Effect SlowedSlowed-64 Movement
-4 Starting AP
-4 Maximum AP
-4 Recovery AP

Removed by:
DOS Status Effect HastedHasted

Strong Regenerate 7 9 4 10 3

Heal X vitality on a target over 2 turns.

Summon Ice Elemental 7 8 7 10 2

Summon an Ice Elemental to fight for you.
Can cast DOS Skill Piercing Ice Shard Piercing Ice Shard
200% Water Resistance
-50% Fire Resistance
-25% Crushing Resistance

Water Shield 10 12 5 11 3

Enchant self or ally with a water shield.
100% base chance to set DOS Buff Shielded (Water) Shielded (Water)Immune to DOS Status Effect FrozenFreezing
20% Chance to DOS Status Effect FrozenFreeze Melee Attackers
+50% Water Resistance
-25% Fire Resistance

Skill: DOS Skill Water Shield Water Shield

Water of Life 1 1 4 7 1

Magically gain Constitution.
100% base chance to set DOS Buff Vitality Boosted Vitality Boosted+3 Constitution

Skill: DOS Skill Water of Life Water of Life

Winterblast 16 14 8 12 4

Conjure up a dragon that breathes frost in a cone. Has a chance to freeze. More effective when it's raining. Deals X-Y water damage.
100% base chance to set DOS Status Effect FrozenFrozen-20% Water Resistance
+40% Fire Resistance
+65 Armour
Cannot Move or Act

Removed by:
DOS Skill Purifying Fire Purifying Fire
DOS Status Effect BurningBurning


Ability Level Talent Unlocked Description
5 Ice King A character with Ice King has a chance to chill an opponent who strikes

with a melee weapon but takes a 25% penalty to Fire Resistance.

Enhanced Edition[]

The bracket after the CD of each skill indicates the minimum cooldown (achieved when INT is 15 or higher).

Tier Skill Description AP CD Rec Int Rec Abl Lvl Req Lvl
Avatar of Frost Make a target immune to being Frozen. Melee attackers may get frozen. 4 6(2) 8 1 1
Freezing Touch Freeze a nearby target, dealing X-Y water damage. 3 5(1) 8 1 1
Rain Create water surfaces. 4 6(2) 8 1 1
Regeneration Heal X vitality on a target for 3 turns. 5 5(1) 8 1 1
Slow Current Slow a target. 2 6(2) 9 2 3
Cleansing Water Cures Blind, Mute, Disease, Infected, Bleeding, Crippled and Decaying Touch. 4 7(4) 3 9
Ice Wall Create a wall to block enemies or to lock them inside. Deals X-Y water damage. 5 10(7) 10 3 9
Ice Shard Shoot a chilling shard of ice that deals X-Y water damage. 7 8(5) 10 3 6
Mass Slow Slow enemies around you. 6 12 4 15
Summon Ice Elemental Summon a level X Ice Elemental in a 15.0m radius for 18s. 7 7(4) 2 9
Water Absorption Shield Enchant self or ally with a water shield. A water shield absorbs water damage until it breaks. 3 6(3) 3 9
Water of Life You and allies around you magically gain Constitution and heal immensely. 6 8(5) 10 2 9
Hail Attack 20 ice shards rain from the sky, each doing X-Y water damage to entities within 15.0m range from impact. 11 12 4 15
Mass Disease Disease all enemies within an area. 7 8(6) 11 4 12
Mass Healing Heal all within an area for 7 turns. 8 13 5 15
Winterblast Freeze and deal X-Y water damage to all targets in a 60 degree cone that's 9.0m long. 8 12(10) 12 4 15

∞) Can only be cast once per combat.
